
  1. 1. a device that helps you to listen loudly to audios
  2. 4. a small device that can be with cable or bluetooth
  3. 5. to remove the document from the current place
  4. 8. a machine that prints out documents or makes copies
  5. 9. make a second/ third/ etc version of the same document
  6. 10. to transfer information from the internet to your computer
  7. 11. a machine that helps you to transfer image from paper to web format
  1. 1. to keep information and not lose it
  2. 2. a part of the laptop that you can use instead of mouse
  3. 3. a special screen when you do not need to use a mouse to click on the icons
  4. 6. this device helps you to see another person who is far away
  5. 7. a board with letters