
  1. 2. A hand-operated device used to control the cursor or pointer on a computer screen.
  2. 4. A wireless communication technology that allows devices to connect to the internet without using cables.
  3. 6. A pair of audio devices worn over the ears to listen to music or other audio without disturbing others.
  4. 7. An electronic device that processes data and performs various tasks using software programs.
  5. 10. Reality (AR) A technology that overlays digital content onto the real world, enhancing the user's perception of reality.
  6. 13. A global network that connects computers and allows the exchange of information and communication.
  7. 14. A machine designed to perform tasks automatically or with some level of autonomy.
  1. 1. Game An electronic game played on a computer, console, or mobile device that involves interactive gameplay.
  2. 3. A mobile phone that has advanced computing capabilities, including internet access and various apps.
  3. 5. The process of writing and creating instructions (code) that computers can understand and execute.
  4. 7. A device used to capture and store images or record videos. It can be digital or analog.
  5. 8. A device that produces hard copies of digital documents or images on paper or other media.
  6. 9. An input device consisting of a set of keys used to type letters, numbers, and symbols into a computer.
  7. 11. A portable device with a touchscreen display that allows users to browse the internet, play games, and more.
  8. 12. Reality (VR) A technology that creates a simulated environment or experience, often using a headset and motion tracking.