
  1. 3. forms of electronic communication such as instagram, facebook, tik tok, twitter...
  2. 5. someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave on social media. he can be used to promote products
  3. 8. on the internet. ex : instead of saying "I bought this on the internet" you say "I boughth this ..."
  4. 10. a technology capable of doing human tasks. This type of technology is used by chatgpt
  5. 11. an electronic machine that can store and arrange large amounts of information. Such as a PC or a MAC.
  1. 1. information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined
  2. 2. computer images and sounds that make you feel an imagined situation is real. Example : the metaverse
  3. 4. someone who illegally gets into someone else's computer system
  4. 6. step-by-step set of instructions or procedures designed to solve a problem or accomplish a specific task
  5. 7. spreading or becoming popular very quickly through communication on social media
  6. 9. a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or organization
  7. 12. a secret word or combination of letters or numbers used to proove who you are