Technology Ms Londono

  1. 3. Reflect and improve. Correct errors
  2. 4. Go back in the process as necessary to correct errors or improve parts of the technological process.
  3. 6. Communicate results.
  4. 10. Electronic device that manipulates data in binary system.
  5. 12. Computer keeps the information.
  6. 14. Tool used in technology to describe the logic steps for solve a problem.
  7. 15. Plan and design.
  8. 17. Brainstorm. List possible solutions.
  1. 1. Manipulation of digitized information by computer.
  2. 2. Short for binary digit. Number can be 0 or 1.
  3. 3. Test and analyze. Test the model or prototype.
  4. 5. The user can visualize and manipulates the information processed for the computer through output devices.
  5. 6. Understand the problem. EDP.
  6. 7. Logic steps followed in technology and engineering to solve problems.
  7. 8. Build and create. Make a model or prototype.
  8. 9. Introduce information or data to the computer using input devices.
  9. 11. Part of the technology that creates prototypes managed with software.
  10. 13. Things created by humans that can make our lives easier or solve problems, applying scientific knowledge.
  11. 16. 8 bits of information.