
  1. 2. Reality (VR) Technology that immerses users in computer-generated environments.
  2. 3. A wrist-worn device that offers timekeeping and various functions.
  3. 4. A remote-controlled flying machine equipped with cameras.
  4. 5. A compact, portable computer with a keyboard and screen.
  5. 6. Printer A machine that creates three-dimensional objects from digital files.
  6. 8. Wireless internet technology that provides internet access.
  7. 9. Console A device designed for playing video games on a television.
  8. 12. A navigation system that uses satellite signals to determine location.
  9. 13. A handheld device that combines a phone, camera, and computer.
  10. 14. A portable touchscreen computer with various applications.
  1. 1. Wireless technology that allows devices to connect and exchange data.
  2. 3. Car An autonomous vehicle that can navigate and operate without a human driver.
  3. 7. Tracker A wearable device that monitors physical activity and health.
  4. 10. Reality (AR) Technology that overlays digital information on the real world.
  5. 11. A device for reading digital books and documents.