
  1. 2. A way of saying that something is surprising
  2. 6. That's an exciting story! _ _! Tell me more!
  3. 8. _ me tomorrow. I need to tell you something
  4. 9. I see many websites when I _ on the internet
  5. 12. I am _ _ this test, that's why I am studying right now
  6. 14. I need to _ an email to tell my teacher I am sick
  7. 20. I love spending time with you, but my mom told me to go home. _ _ _!
  8. 21. Smaller and slimmer computer
  9. 22. I am _ _ math. I always get the best grades.
  10. 25. You use it for photographs
  11. 26. I am _ _ Egypt. The pyramids fascinate me.
  12. 29. I am _ _ the new Disney movie! It looks fun!
  13. 30. Big phone
  14. 32. You watch programs on it, it is usually placed the living room in front of the sofa
  15. 33. You use it to play music louder
  16. 34. It can both be an animal or a piece of technology
  1. 1. You use it to put something from your computer to paper
  2. 3. I am _ _ spiders. When I see one I scream and run.
  3. 4. I use my _ phone to play games and phone people
  4. 5. You use a keyboard and mouse with it
  5. 7. When I _ a song I have it on my phone
  6. 8. To message somebody online
  7. 10. When you put them on you can hear sound but nobody else can
  8. 11. _ _ _! I need to finish brushing my hair before I leave.
  9. 13. I had an argument with my friend, I don't agree with him. I am _ !
  10. 15. Playstation or Xbox
  11. 16. You use it to write on the computer
  12. 17. I am _ . I have nothing interesting to do
  13. 18. I like playing games, it makes me feel _ .
  14. 19. Music that usually takes around 3 min
  15. 23. Can you _ a photo of me?
  16. 24. To message somebody
  17. 27. I am always _ when I don't spend time with my friends.I miss them.
  18. 28. I am _ _ polish. I often don't understand old books.
  19. 31. When I don't sleep enough I feel _ .
  20. 32. I like to _ _ the phone. I can speak to my family even without seeing them
  21. 33. The part of the phone that you look at