  1. 3. an application that was launched in 2016. This app allows users to create, watch, share, and sell something through videos
  2. 5. a type of barcode that stores information and can be read by a digital device
  3. 7. a web adress that directs a browser to a website or resources on the internet
  4. 8. media used to interact other people such as facebook and twitter
  5. 9. a small portable personal computer (pc)
  6. 10. take video from the internet
  7. 12. a place to visit on the internet
  8. 14. you use this to enter a secure website
  9. 15. an electronic letter
  1. 1. a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices
  2. 2. a simulated 3D environment that enables users to explore and interact with others.
  3. 4. an automatically operated machine that replicate or subtitute for human actions
  4. 6. a pair of tiny speakers that you wear inside your ears
  5. 11. the transfer of information (telecommunication) between two or more points without using a "hard wired" connection.
  6. 13. technology that is used to take photos