
  1. 2. A flaw in software that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result.
  2. 3. A small graphical representation of a program or file on a computer interface.
  3. 4. A duplicate that ensures data safety in case of a system failure.
  4. 5. A group of interconnected computers or devices that can exchange data.
  5. 7. When a computer or program stops functioning and exits unexpectedly.
  6. 9. The designated identity for a document or data stored on a computer.
  7. 10. To improve software or hardware by adding or replacing components.
  1. 1. An image captured to show the contents of a display screen.
  2. 2. A significant development or discovery, especially in technology.
  3. 4. A saved shortcut that directs your browser to a specific webpage.
  4. 6. To search through or survey information on the internet or a database.
  5. 8. A digital ledger used for organizing and calculating data sets.