
  1. 2. a type of printer that uses heat
  2. 7. case a device that protects all internal parts of the computer
  3. 10. type of wave that doesn't need a medium to travel
  4. 13. things of a computer that you can physically touch
  5. 15. a device that detects or mesures a physical property and indicates or responds to it
  6. 16. the speed when the printer prints a particular amount of pages in black ink
  7. 17. a collection of computers, servers or other devices connected together to enable data sharing
  8. 19. it regulates the energy when it's transmitted to a device
  9. 20. device that protects a circuit against brownouts, spikes, noise
  1. 1. allows devices to communicate with each other without cables or wires
  2. 3. things of a computer that you can't physically touch
  3. 4. it's an escencial part of the computer to work
  4. 5. it refers to a number of ocurrences of a periodic event per time
  5. 6. the resolution of iages in a printer
  6. 8. type of wave that needs a medium to travel
  7. 9. provides energy to the computer
  8. 11. it stores temporal data for the computer to work
  9. 12. it is a power resource and there are different types of this object
  10. 14. system an exmaple is Android and Microsoft
  11. 18. the sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects caused by contact