
  1. 2. the word you need to open your safety info.
  2. 3. The dive need it to talk with others.
  3. 7. The electronic letter.
  4. 8. that bring you the connection to the www.
  5. 9. The action you do to keep your files.
  6. 11. you can play this for fun.
  7. 12. a program you can install in smart devices.
  8. 13. the place you search for especific info.
  9. 14. a machine that allows communications.
  1. 1. Google, Brave and Firefox are call.
  2. 2. where to save your work and transport for one place to another.
  3. 4. Need this complement to type.
  4. 5. The machine you need to work in any place.
  5. 6. The measure of storage you need before save your work.
  6. 10. the action you do when you need a file.
  7. 11. the especific word to call all of this machines.