
  1. 2. browser: A software program, like Chrome or Safari, that you use to access and view websites on the internet.
  2. 3. online: To connect to the internet using a computer, phone, or other devices to access websites or communicate with others.
  3. 4. A device used to recharge the battery of electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, or laptops.
  4. 7. pictures: To transfer photos from your device to the internet or another location, such as a social media site or cloud storage.
  5. 9. a video: To record moving images and sound using a camera or phone, often to share with others or keep as a memory.
  6. 10. files: To send or give access to documents, photos, or other data to someone else using the internet or a network.
  7. 12. stick: A long stick that holds your smartphone, allowing you to take pictures of yourself from a distance.
  8. 13. down: To turn off a computer or device completely, stopping all functions and programs.
  9. 15. the internet: To casually browse or look at different websites on the internet for information or entertainment.
  10. 16. Small speakers that you put in your ears to listen to music or other sounds from your devices privately.
  11. 18. A device that produces sound, often used to listen to music, watch movies, or make announcements louder.
  1. 1. songs: To transfer music from the internet or another device to your computer, phone, or tablet so you can listen to them later.
  2. 2. mouse: A computer mouse that connects to the computer without a cable, using Bluetooth or other wireless technology.
  3. 5. changes: To keep the modifications you’ve made to a document, file, or project by storing them on your device or in the cloud.
  4. 6. A thick wire that is used to connect electronic devices to power sources or to transfer data between devices.
  5. 8. A device that stores energy and provides power to electronic devices like phones, laptops, or flashlights.
  6. 10. messages: To write and deliver a text or email to someone using a phone or computer.
  7. 11. engine: A website or program, like Google, that helps you find information on the internet by typing in keywords.
  8. 14. the internet: To connect to the online world to find information, communicate, or use various services.
  9. 17. A small object with metal pins that you insert into a socket to connect an electrical device to a power source.