  1. 2. real-time, synchronous, text-based communication via computer
  2. 3. code made up of numbers seperated by three dots that identifies a particular computer on the internet
  3. 4. is a plug-and-play interface that allows a computer to communicate with peripheral and other devices
  4. 5. what is a network security system used to stop unauthorised access
  5. 6. device that feeds data into a computer
  6. 7. process of converting data into a secret code for transmission over a public network
  7. 8. small program that can be downloaded which allows users to enhance their browser
  8. 9. a computer program sent to gather information from your computer
  1. 1. usually consists of eight bits
  2. 2. what is it called if people are nasty to you online
  3. 5. type of text and styles
  4. 6. copy from one computer system to another, typically over the internet