
  1. 2. Another name for a laptop
  2. 3. to look for information on the internet
  3. 5. To save something from the internet
  4. 9. You can download electronic books on to this.
  5. 11. control You use this to change TV channels
  6. 12. out Opposite of log on
  7. 13. A platform you can use to chat with and see friends
  8. 15. Device that helps you find your way in the wild.
  1. 1. Type of mobile phone that has many computer functions.
  2. 4. A device used to charge a battery or mobile phone
  3. 6. Phone line
  4. 7. A small portable computer
  5. 8. internet connection for people in a restaurant or bus.
  6. 10. Type of vacuum cleaner that does the work for you
  7. 14. Opposite of plug in.