  1. 5. available in electronic form; readable and manipulable by computer.
  2. 6. an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.
  3. 7. to interpose or intervene for a particular purpose.
  1. 1. to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking,
  2. 2. the act or fact of informing
  3. 3. websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts
  4. 4. Digital Technology. Pertaining to or noting a cell phone, usually one with computing ability, or a portable, wireless computing device used while held in the hand
  5. 8. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.