Technology Access

  1. 2. My _____ Classroom is where we will complete our performance tasks
  2. 3. offers a library of texts online with features like SyncBlast
  3. 7. also known as pre-reading
  4. 9. Infinite _____ is used to check progress and grades throughout the year.
  5. 10. On the home page, it is the first item listed under materials
  6. 12. The tab where you will find the after-reading activities
  7. 14. Google _____ is not used in our classroom
  8. 15. ______-Switching is when you change expectations in how you act, write, or present yourself between different groups of people.
  9. 17. The yellow button on the home page offers this support
  10. 18. In the navigation menu on Canvas, this is the first option to click on. It is also automatically the first page you see when you log on to our course
  11. 19. Google's new AI assistance
  1. 1. the one-stop place to sign in to all school applications
  2. 2. where you can find information if you are absent on what you missed
  3. 3. Information about the class can be found by using this button. It is also in the navigation menu on Canvas.
  4. 4. On the home page, you can find _____ at a Glance that shows an interactive calendar.
  5. 5. What students value when effectively writing and speaking
  6. 6. Organized by week and includes what we do each day
  7. 8. Digital _____ is the ability to use technology responsibly, safely and respectfully.
  8. 9. An online classroom that houses digital components of the class
  9. 11. In Unit 3.5 focuses on the ____ Process
  10. 13. Every ____ Matters when they notice language choices (found on the home page)
  11. 16. Google _____ can be used to create docs, sheets, and slides all in one place and organize into folders.