Technology Applications I & II - Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Which offense (whole word) requires a $10 fine and the principal holding the device for ten calendar days?
  2. 2. Dresses, skirts and shorts must be ___ length in the front and back.
  3. 5. No ___ of any kind inside the building.
  4. 6. One supply needed is headphones or ___ that can only be used with teacher permission.
  5. 9. Boys must be clean-shaven, no pony tails, no pierced type jewelry, no ___ shirts, no make-up or nail polish.
  6. 10. Leggings, tights or biker shorts may be worn ___ under skirts/dresses/shorts that meet length guideline.
  7. 11. ___ and internet use may only be used with the teacher permission.
  8. 12. If a student is absent, it is ___ responsibility to obtain any make-up work.
  9. 14. Copying/pasting or sharing files is ___ and is not tolerated.
  10. 15. Failure to comply with lab and school rules will result in loss of ___ to use the computers.
  11. 16. Under supplies, most items will be ___ on your school account/document folder.
  12. 18. On a subsequent offense (after 3 offenses), can the principal hold your telecommunications device until the end of the school year? True or False?
  1. 1. Girls cannot wear strapless or ___ straps.
  2. 3. The BMSS student planner contains a calendar to show the days of STAAR testing. True or False?
  3. 4. Your assigned computer login and ___ will be provided to you through the school/computer teacher.
  4. 7. No food, ___, or electronic devices in class.
  5. 8. Strong emphasis is also placed on learning proper ___ skills and digital citizenship.
  6. 13. The use of mobile telephones, cameras, and recorders is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or ___ areas at any time while at school or a school related or school sponsored event.
  7. 15. The third consequence is a ___ contact.
  8. 17. A student ___ have administrative or teacher approval to use any telecommunications device such as cellphones, netbooks, laptops, tablets, or any other portable computer.