Technology Buzzwords

  1. 3. Get a file from another computer, across a network
  2. 4. Also known as a processor, it's the chip that is the brain of the computer.
  3. 5. Tiny piece of silicon with electronic circuits; the CPU is one
  4. 6. Extra copy of a document or program
  5. 9. Tiny dot of light on the screen
  6. 10. Tiny picture on the screen
  7. 11. Software used to organize data into rows and columns of cells
  8. 15. Communicate with someone on another computer by typing rather than talking
  9. 16. Website address
  10. 17. Temporary storage on chips
  11. 18. A way of counting using the numbers 0 and 1
  12. 19. Software program that you use to explore the web
  13. 20. Part of the Internet that has linked pages of pictures, sounds, video, and text. ("You can find it on the _______.")
  1. 1. Online storage such as Google Drive, etc. (Save to the ______.)
  2. 2. Bundle of wires that connects computer parts
  3. 3. Data that is left behind by digital users is called a ________.
  4. 7. A searchable, organized collection of information
  5. 8. Where a column and row intersect on a spreadsheet
  6. 10. Millions of computers around the world connected by a network of networks
  7. 11. "Takes a picture" of something and digitizes it.
  8. 12. The parts of a computer that you can touch. (The computer is made up of software and _________.)
  9. 13. A kind of memory, it holds files and programs only while you're using them
  10. 14. Line or shape on the screen that shows where the next character will go
  11. 17. Device that connects the computer to a network via cable or a phone line
  12. 18. Tiny unit of information storage consisting of an on/off signal
  13. 19. 8 bits