Technology Crossword

  1. 3. large spectacles equipped with special lenses, to protect the eyes.
  2. 4. electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts.
  3. 6. insulating material, often glass or porcelain, in a unit form designed so as to support a charged conductor and electrically isolate it.
  4. 7. a shaft like tool with two or more cutting edges for making holes in firm materials, especially by rotation.
  5. 10. a compound formed from two or more polymeric compounds.
  6. 11. a rough design, plan, or draft, as of a drawing.
  7. 12. a particular course or mode of action.
  8. 13. a garment covering part of the front of the body and tied at the waist, for protecting the wearer's clothing.
  9. 15. a cycle of reusing things.
  10. 17. a device for accumulating and holding a charge of electricity, consisting of two equally charged conducting surfaces having opposite signs and separated by a dielectric.
  11. 19. short for light-emitting diode
  12. 21. used to shape things.
  13. 22. the quality of averting or not causing injury, danger, or loss.
  14. 23. he negative terminal of a voltaic cell or battery.
  15. 24. the shape of a thing or person.
  16. 25. a tool or device for cutting, typically a thin blade of metal with a series of sharp teeth.
  1. 1. a device designed to introduce resistance into an electric circuit.
  2. 2. an act or instance of evaluating or appraising.
  3. 5. a tool for scribing wood or the like.
  4. 8. any of various alloys fused and applied to the joint between metal objects to unite them without heating the objects to the melting point any of various alloys fused and applied to the joint between metal objects to unite them without heating the objects to the melting point.
  5. 9. a substance, body, or device that readily conducts heat, electricity, sound.
  6. 14. a sheet of insulating material used for the mounting and interconnection of components in electronic equipment.
  7. 16. passing in time; belonging to the time actually passing.
  8. 18. of or derived from acrylic acid.
  9. 20. to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for , especially to plan the form and structure of: to design a new bridge.
  10. 23. how much electricity.