Technology Crossword

  1. 2. A related group of networked computers.
  2. 4. A group of information on a computer.
  3. 5. Used to connect computers to one another using a cable.
  4. 11. Distinguishes what type of domain a website is.
  5. 13. Fulfills requests from a client.
  6. 16. Used to view web pages.
  7. 17. Code used to create webpages.
  8. 18. Company that provides internet access.
  9. 21. The sender and the receiver are active at the same time.
  10. 22. Bits of information that are individually handled through servers.
  11. 23. A network of computers that are not geographically near each other.
  12. 24. A system of interlinked HTML documents accessed via the internet.
  13. 25. An exclusive legal right given to the originator of a work.
  1. 1. Tells a computer what program to use to open a file.
  2. 3. Allows someone to use a copyrighted work given certain conditions are true.
  3. 6. Translates human-readable names into 4 number IP addresses.
  4. 7. The sender and receiver are NOT active at the same time.
  5. 8. A reference to a resource on the internet.
  6. 9. Connects you to your ISP.
  7. 10. A unique number assigned to every device connected to the internet.
  8. 12. A network of computers that are geographically near each other.
  9. 14. Composed of HTML and multimedia files.
  10. 15. Requests services from a server.
  11. 19. Used to modify text documents.
  12. 20. Directs internet signal to various devices.