Technology Terms

  1. 4. A person who illegally gains access to a computer system to steal information or tamper with the system.
  2. 8. The application of scientific discoveries for
  3. 9. Of the present time; using recent ideas and methods.
  4. 11. The physical parts of a computer and related devices.
  5. 14. literate To have sufficient knowledge and understanding to be able to use a computer effectively.
  6. 15. processing The process of producing, editing and storing text on a computer.
  7. 16. The development and use of a new idea or method.
  8. 17. digital age The time since personal computers were introduced and became central to people’s lives.
  9. 18. A very small piece of silicon with electronic circuits on it that can hold large quantities of information or perform mathematical and logical operations.
  1. 1. tech Using or involving advanced technology.
  2. 2. savvy Well informed about or proficient in the use of modern technology, especially computers.
  3. 3. The process of developing something.
  4. 5. Suppressing or stopping certain information being available to the public.
  5. 6. The programmes and other operating information used by a computer and related devices.
  6. 7. media Websites and computer programmes such as Facebook or Twitter that allow people to connect and share content online.
  7. 10. intelligence The development of computers or computer-controlled robots to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.
  8. 12. To change something in order to make it better.
  9. 13. An image, video or piece of information that becomes very popular very quickly on the internet.
  10. 14. Involving, using, or relating to computers, especially the internet.