technology vocabulary

  1. 1. Omh's law and has three quantities and this is one of them
  2. 3. energy can't be created or ruined but it can be converted from one ____ to another
  3. 5. energy is energy associated with motion
  4. 9. energy is defined as the ability to do ___
  5. 10. energy generation creates dangerous waste by-products
  6. 11. terrariums and hydroponics stations are the most common types of artificial ___
  7. 14. technology for converting the sun's radiant energy
  8. 17. any technology no one has thought of before
  9. 18. use of different modes of transportation
  10. 19. construction is the systematic act or process of ____
  1. 2. method of incremental improvement
  2. 4. a renewable energy source
  3. 6. is a working model of a product or system
  4. 7. use of living organisms to improve foods, medicines, and products
  5. 8. systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved
  6. 12. very fast trains that have magnets that repel eachother
  7. 13. generally includes primary and secondary processing
  8. 15. activity would not be classified as materials processing
  9. 16. it has to do with structures and a number of requirements