technology vocabulary

  1. 2. A computer simulation is a simulation , run on a single computer, or a network of computers, to reproduce behavior of a system
  2. 3. Render or rendering may refer to: In computing: Artistic rendering , creating, shading and texturing of an image
  3. 5. is a concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by a problem solving team
  4. 7. Computer aided design is the use of computer systems to assist in the or computer-aided drafting ,which includes the
  5. 9. Companion was a 19th-century illustrated periodical published in Boston , Massachusetts
  6. 10. is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are Osborn claimed that brainstorming was more effective
  7. 13. Technical drawing, also known as drafting or draughting, is the act and discipline In representing complex, three dimensional objects
  8. 17. is a written document for a design project developed in concert by a person representing the business
  9. 18. Mechanical systems drawing is a type of technical drawing that shows information about heating, ventilating
  1. 1. is a means of representing a ...The term orthographic is also sometimes reserved
  2. 4. refer to Ideation the process of creating new ideas. Suicidal ideation , a common medical term for thoughts
  3. 6. made available by griddle manufacturers, outline the design and performance characteristics of their respective
  4. 7. is the automation of machine tool s that are operated by Most NC today is computer numerical control
  5. 8. is an early sample, model or release of a product built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated
  6. 11. The engineering design process is the formulation of a plan to help an engineer build a product with a specified performance goal
  7. 12. Drawing and other visual arts : Sketch, a drawing or other composition that is not intended as a finished work
  8. 14. is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional .
  9. 15. a drawing, at relatively large scale, of a part of a building, machine,etc., with dimensions or other information for use in construction.
  10. 16. design process: The engineering design process is the formulation of a plan to help an engineer build a product with a specified performance goal.