Technology Words 3.0

  1. 2. Slang for a Technician who is an expert with technology
  2. 5. Technology for Aeronautics (planes) and Astronautics (space vehicles)
  3. 7. - description of accessing healthcare services through the internet
  4. 8. Area of technology that uses Artificial intelligence in robots
  5. 9. - description of technology that a teacher would use
  1. 1. Computer _____ - Pictorial representation created on a computer
  2. 3. Science, Technology,______ , and Mathematics - STEM
  3. 4. Technology that is designed to be worn on the body
  4. 6. Voice Over Internet _____ - a phone system based in the internet
  5. 10. ____technology - technology that is on a very small scale (nanometers)