Technology Words

  1. 2. A digital audio or visual file available to be downloaded, similar to radio programs
  2. 5. How you move down a computer screen
  3. 7. A type of program which locates and steals data from a computer without the user noticing
  4. 9. An artificial environment where the user feels as though they are immersed in a real environments
  5. 12. Locations where wifi access has been made available
  6. 14. When a computer suddenly stops working
  7. 16. A type of money used exclusively on the internet, such as Bitcoin, which is controlled and secured by complicated mathematical problems.
  8. 17. A process of creating copies of an existing organism from it's DNA
  9. 20. A device which gathers solar radiation and transforms it into electrical energy
  10. 23. An organism which has acquired new genes from other organism by means of laboratory methods
  11. 25. A form of energy which uses the heat from the Earth
  12. 26. A large collection of wind turbines set up to take advantage of good wind environments for energy
  1. 1. Unwanted messages sent through the internet to a large amount of people
  2. 3. A person who is afraid of technology
  3. 4. A term for artificial life which closely resembles the real organism but is different enough to cause feelings of unease
  4. 6. A destructive computer program which invades a computer
  5. 8. Devices which you wear on your body which can monitor and report information
  6. 10. A person who is incapable of accepting modern technology
  7. 11. A person who is a great fan of technology
  8. 13. An original design used to make future copies for production
  9. 15. An unmanned flying device
  10. 16. Gathering financial support from the public for a new concept through sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo
  11. 18. Companies which provide internet; Comcast, Time Warner, etc in the USA
  12. 19. A small non-serious technological devices
  13. 21. A device that is used exclusively to read texts, such as books or newspapers
  14. 22. When a computer turns on
  15. 24. A form of energy derived from growing organisms, such as plants