
  1. 2. material from the earth used to make tea pots and cups
  2. 3. these protect our eyes when sanding or drilling
  3. 5. another word for your 'idea'.
  4. 7. the plaster is poured into this to make a shape
  5. 8. is a white powder and when added to water goes hard
  6. 10. a layer of PVA glue acts as a v_______
  7. 12. a small version of something large
  1. 1. this comes in many colours
  2. 3. used to stick objects together
  3. 4. this is used to make wood smooth
  4. 6. we always have to remember this so we are never harmed
  5. 9. makes holes in the wood
  6. 10. used to 'suck' saw dust from the machine
  7. 11. a material made by trees