
  1. 4. Metropolitan Area Network
  2. 6. A thing that connects us all that is not the internet
  3. 7. The thing that can destroy your computer from the inside
  4. 8. The place where people post videos
  5. 11. The background of the screen
  6. 13. Title of the crossword
  7. 14. Uniform Resource Locators
  8. 16. It connects us all
  9. 17. The screen what we look at
  10. 19. To start your computer again
  1. 1. The person that gets into your computer and takes all your info illegally
  2. 2. Local Area Network
  3. 3. Remove something from the computer
  4. 4. What we use to move the courser on a screen or what a cat chases
  5. 5. The games we play on computers
  6. 9. What we type with
  7. 10. The thing we use in class
  8. 12. What people post to others that look like faces or other things
  9. 15. What kids use everyday
  10. 18. Wide area network