techtonic plates

  1. 6. valley- another name for the deep crack that splits fault-block mid-ocean ridge mountains
  2. 7. the uppermost solid part of Earth's crust
  3. 8. currents- circulatory patterns of heat in the magma believed to be the riving force behind plate movement
  4. 9. a giant prehistoric landmass where all seven modern continents fused together
  5. 10. a type of fault where the crust moves sideways past each other
  6. 13. the branch of geology that deals with the movement that shapes the earth's crust
  7. 14. ocean ridges- ocean bottom mountain ranges split down the middle by a deep crack
  8. 15. a type of plate boundary where the plates slowly collide into each other
  1. 1. a german scientist who was the first person to build a scientific case to support the Theory of Continental Drift
  2. 2. the process in which crust pushes downward into the mantle at a faultline
  3. 3. the preserved remains of ancient, once-living organisms
  4. 4. a type of plate boundary where the plates slowly move apart from each other
  5. 5. v-shaped valleys that are the deepest parts of the oceans where subduction occurs
  6. 11. a multi-word term used to describe the movement of oceanic crust as a divergent boundary.
  7. 12. a large segment of earth crust that slowly moves