Tectonic Plates

  1. 2. The type of plate movement where two plate boundaries collide
  2. 3. Hot fluid stored inside of a volcano
  3. 4. Earth's liquid iron layer surrounding the inner core
  4. 7. Hot molten rock inside of volcanoes
  5. 9. A formation caused by a collision of two plates, where one plate sinks into the mantle underneath the other
  6. 12. A spreading in Earth's lithosphere caused by the divergent plate boundary
  7. 14. Earth's partially molten layer and tectonic plates move because of it's molten
  8. 15. The type of plate movement where two plate boundaries move away from each other
  9. 17. The type of plate movement where two plate boundaries slip past each other
  10. 18. Fine particles blown from the eruption of volcanoes
  11. 19. a rock formation that has been broken by the movement of tectonic plates
  1. 1. A lava infused rock caused by the Convergent Plate boundary
  2. 5. A path along the pacific coast characterized by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes
  3. 6. A huge slab of rock constantly moving along the Earth
  4. 8. Sets of waves that travel through earth, usually generated by tectonic plate movements
  5. 9. An instrument that measures details of earthquakes, such as force
  6. 10. Earth's deepest layer
  7. 11. The action of a volcano exploding
  8. 13. Earth's outermost shell
  9. 16. A shaking motion in the ground caused by the Convergent boundary