Tectonic Plates

  1. 1. When one plate goes under another plate.
  2. 6. Tectonic plats also make this as well as other thing too.
  3. 8. When tectonics move there is an ____________.
  4. 9. The solid portion of the earth.
  5. 11. A big land mass.
  6. 13. Pangea _______ apart.
  7. 14. When two plats grow apart.
  8. 15. An earthquake makes this
  1. 2. When the continents move.
  2. 3. This is something the tectonics cause.
  3. 4. the outside of the earth
  4. 5. The air around you.
  5. 7. Big plate like things on the earths crust.
  6. 10. A hot thing that comes from something that tectonic plates made
  7. 12. Earthquakes can be very _________.