Tectonic Plates

  1. 6. Who proposed the theory of plate tectonics?
  2. 8. The tectonic plates are made up of the crust and?
  3. 9. How many tectonic plates are there?
  4. 10. What is formed when an oceanic plate moves under a continental one
  1. 1. Which boundaries form when tectonic plates collide?
  2. 2. What is the name of the super continent the person from 6 across discussed?
  3. 3. ______ are cracks in the crust due to plate movements and are areas where earthquakes are likely to occur.
  4. 4. Which major plate is the furthest south?
  5. 5. What the plates must do in order for there to be a divergent boundary
  6. 7. 1-6 inches describes the ______ that tectonic plates move each year