Tectonic plates and Natural Disasters

  1. 4. Tectonic _______.
  2. 5. Erupt when aggravated
  3. 8. A cloud of smoke that leaves the volcano
  4. 9. Types of movement in the plates
  5. 10. When the magma reaches the ground
  6. 11. Natural disaster after the movement of plates
  7. 12. when the ground in the ocean spreads
  8. 14. Travel through rock
  9. 15. Material under a building to reinforce a building
  10. 16. Something that is often destroyed in earthquakes.
  11. 20. First detection of friction
  1. 1. A place where earthquakes are common
  2. 2. Makes a building stronger
  3. 3. Type of movement in plates
  4. 6. Earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanos are _____.
  5. 7. Hot substance that first exits the volcano
  6. 13. Result after earthquake at sea
  7. 17. Types of movement in plates
  8. 18. The flow of magma in the asthenosphere
  9. 19. Plates underground are...