Tectonic Plates

  1. 4. It records earthquakes.
  2. 5. The number of major tectonic plates.
  3. 7. The topic of this puzzle.
  4. 9. If 2 tectonic plates collide theseare created.
  5. 12. The theory all the tectonic plates and continents were once joined together as one.
  6. 15. ____________________ plates move away from each other.
  7. 16. The plate the USA is on:__________________ plate.
  8. 17. The tectonic plates are in the _____________________ (a layer in the mantle).
  9. 18. The printout of a seismograph.
  10. 19. The ____________________ plate is what plate Antartica is on.
  1. 1. A vibrant moving of the ground caused by tectonic plates.
  2. 2. _________________ plates move towards each other.
  3. 3. ______________________ are also created from tectonic plates coliding.
  4. 4. ______________________ is the creation of new oceanic crust.
  5. 6. If a mountian is created underwater, and becomes tall enough it will create these.
  6. 8. The plate most of Europe is on.
  7. 10. _____________ plates slide past each other.
  8. 11. _____________________ create new land.
  9. 13. Oceanic plates are more __________________ than Continental plates.
  10. 14. The _______________________ plate is where Australia is on.