Tectonic Processes

  1. 3. An example of the result of a continental-continental collision margin
  2. 6. This is a country where you will find shield volcanoes
  3. 7. The element, along with Iron, makes up in the Inner and Outer Core
  4. 8. An example of a Stratovolcano
  5. 10. This planet also has active plate tectonics
  6. 11. This plate partially melts durins subduction
  7. 12. 4.5 of these equal the age of the Earth
  1. 1. Another name for a Stratovolcano
  2. 2. A seismic tremour
  3. 4. The result of an oceanic-oceanic destructive collision margin
  4. 5. What the continental crust is mostly made from
  5. 8. This layer of the Earth is solid although some think it is liquid
  6. 9. A large wave created by tectonic activity or asteroids
  7. 12. What the oceanic crust is mostly made from