
  1. 4. Process in mantle that causes tectonic plates to move
  2. 6. Top of mantle on which the lithosphere (tectonic plates) move
  3. 8. The intensity of an earthquake is sometimes measured using this scale
  4. 9. Property that makes ocean plates sink
  5. 11. One of these is likely to happen at a strike-slip/transform boundary
  6. 12. The process that occurs as an ocean plate diverges and new rock is formed at the rift and ridge (two words)
  7. 16. P & S waves are these types of waves
  8. 17. The process of a plate sinking under another
  9. 18. He came up with the theory of Continental Drift
  10. 20. The "Ring of Fire" surrounds this tectonic plate
  11. 21. (T or F) Earthquakes are very predictable
  12. 23. Ocean that formed as Pangea separated
  13. 24. The number of seismic recordings needed to locate an earthquake's epicenter
  14. 26. Tall folded mountains occur at location "J" where continental plates converge
  15. 27. Hawaiian volcanoes from at one of these coming from a mantle plume (two words)
  16. 28. A deep-sea depression formed at subduction zones
  17. 29. Volcanic mountains that form at the center of a rift valley (usually in oceans)
  1. 1. Transform boundaries where plates slide past each other (two words)
  2. 2. The layer of the Earth that is made up of ocean and continental plates
  3. 3. Plate boundary where plates collide
  4. 5. A mammal-like reptile whose fossils are great evidence for continental drift
  5. 7. An instrument that records ground shaking
  6. 10. The point on the surface directly above the Earthquake's focus
  7. 13. You would find this type of volcano at divergent boundaries and hot spots
  8. 14. Violent stratovolcanoes can be found at location "L" where plate subduction happens
  9. 15. Plate boundary where plates divide
  10. 19. An opening formed as plats diverge (two words)
  11. 21. The point underground where the Earthquake's energy is released
  12. 22. Fissure volcanoes at a mid ocean rift and ridge occur at location "F"
  13. 25. Erosion from these match up on the Southern continents, providing climate evidence for cont.drift