
  1. 8. Another word for the hypocentre of an earthquake (5)
  2. 9. A name for when the continents were joined together (6)
  3. 11. This mineral can make lava very sticky (viscous) (6)
  4. 12. The name of a current considered for many years to be the driving force of plate tectonics (10)
  5. 13. An earthquake resistant building in San Fransisco (5,8,8)
  6. 17. The point on the ground where the earthquake is the strongest (9)
  7. 20. Hot ash, lava, rock fragments, flowing very quickly down hill (11,4)
  8. 21. What oceanic crust is made of (6)
  9. 23. Formed at constructive continental margins (4,6)
  10. 24. A chain of volcanic islands (6,3)
  11. 25. A type of volcano that is formed on
  12. 27. Hawaii is an example of one of these (7)
  13. 28. This needs to be good in order to effectively mitigate against disasters and protect the population (10)
  14. 29. Outer layer of Earth (crust and upper mantle)(11)
  15. 30. Conservative plate boundary N.America (3,7,5)
  1. 1. When the weight of the cold, old, oceanic crust causes the edge of the plate to subduct (4,4)
  2. 2. When one plate slides underneath another (10)
  3. 3. This type of lava is very runny (8)
  4. 4. Name of the model that determines disaster size (4)
  5. 5. plate margins (9)
  6. 6. A major secondary hazard of underwater earthquakes (7)
  7. 7. This model shows the effect of a hazard on quality of life over time (4,8,5)
  8. 10. The gradual movement of the continents across the Earth's surface through geological time (11,5)
  9. 14. Plate boundary where plates move apart (11)
  10. 15. What continental crust is made of (7)
  11. 16. An event with a high magnitude, large extent and massive impact (4,8)
  12. 18. Classic example of a multi-hazard-hotspot (11)
  13. 19. How well a country can bounce back and recover from a disaster (10)
  14. 22. Type of volcano found on constructive plate margins (6)
  15. 26. An earthquake hit this country on 12th Jan 2010 (5)
  16. 27. Formed by the collision of India and Eurasia (9)