TED TALK Crossword

  1. 4. The gardens surrounding the building were ___.
  2. 5. The condition may be caused by bad ___ in the brain
  3. 10. Too much fatty food will make your ___ clog up.
  4. 11. They have failed to honor their ___.
  5. 13. The price of oil ___d.
  6. 15. Exercise lowers our chances of having ___.
  7. 16. Children should produce enough growth ___.
  1. 1. Smoking increases the risk of ___.
  2. 2. That's ___ of our generation.
  3. 3. I've had the ___ of a good education.
  4. 4. The survey revealed a lack of ___ in the government.
  5. 6. The new evidence will ___ their case.
  6. 7. This is the fat that won't raise your ___.
  7. 8. People should ___ the amount of fat they eat.
  8. 9. Such jokes tend to ____ the stereotypes.
  9. 12. I'm trying to break the ___ of staying up too late.
  10. 14. All my efforts ended in ___.