Teen CERT Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. What does the R in CERT represent?
  2. 5. ______ appliances, and office equipment to reduce falling hazards in the case of an emergency
  3. 8. CERT protective helmets are typically ____ (color)
  4. 9. What device can be used for communication when cell towers are down?
  5. 11. What is the term to describe when someone identifies too strongly with a survivor and takes on their feelings?
  6. 13. Of the three types of disasters, which category does an earthquake fit into?
  7. 14. A small water heater can hold up to ___ gallons of water that can be used in case of an emergency
  8. 15. Disasters endager lives, health, and the ____
  1. 2. CERT members are protected under the good ____ law when providing aid
  2. 3. With what type of storm is the 30/30 rule applicable?
  3. 4. How many gallons of water should you have in your disaster supply kit? (At the least)
  4. 6. Whats the last emotional phase after a crisis?
  5. 7. What is the instructor's, Mr. Smith, first name?
  6. 10. What emergency do you drop, cover, and hold on?
  7. 12. Its recommended to have a first aid kit in the home and in the ____