Teen Smoking

  1. 3. Smoking leads to higher blood _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  2. 4. Smoking is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ death.
  3. 6. Secondhand smoke is more/less harmful than inhaled smoke from smokers.
  4. 9. Smoking hurts your physical _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  5. 11. Smoking leads to heart problems, which might in turn lead to heart _ _ _ _ _ _.
  6. 12. Teen smokers produce twice as much _ h l _ _ m in their lungs compared to teens who do not.
  7. 15. Teenagers who smoke suffer from s _ o r t _ e s _ of breath three times as often as teens who do not smoke.
  8. 17. Smoking leads to _ _ _ _ _ _ teeth.
  9. 18. The substance produce by smoking.
  10. 19. Disease related to respiratory system caused by smoking.
  1. 1. Smoking may also cause oral problems such as g _ _ disease.
  2. 2. Smoking increases chances of mental illnesses such as d _ p _ _ _ _ ion
  3. 5. _ _ _-smelling clothes and hair.
  4. 6. Smoking causes _ _ _ _ types of cancer
  5. 7. Smoking causes d_ _ _ e _ e _.
  6. 8. Once you start, it is hard to _ _ _ _.
  7. 10. The addictive substance in cigarettes.
  8. 13. Smoking affects teens _ _ y s _ c _ l fitness.
  9. 14. Smoking causes _ _ _ _ _ _ bones.
  10. 16. Around how many percentage of the world smoke?