TEJ2O1 - Hardware Review - D. French

  1. 3. CPU stands for ____ Processing Unit.
  2. 6. A Blu-ray drive shines a ____ on the disc to read it.
  3. 7. CD Drives and hard drives require this many connectors inside the computer.
  4. 10. What type of storage does a mechanical hard drive use?
  5. 11. Windows and MacOS are examples of this type of software.
  6. 13. This clears the data from your hard drive and prepares it for use.
  7. 15. A single 1 or 0 is referred to as a ____.
  8. 16. On a CD/DVD drive, data is stored using ____ and ____.
  9. 18. These slots on your motherboard allow you to add expansion cards ex. Graphics Card.
  10. 22. If you open this device, it can kill you.
  11. 25. When building a computer, the motherboard and the CPU must have a matching ____.
  12. 26. Memory that is erased when the power turns off is called ____ memory.
  13. 28. An ____ drive is currently the fastest type of long-term storage drive for PCs.
  14. 29. ____ discharge can easily fry sensitive computer components.
  1. 1. A webcam is an ____ device.
  2. 2. A long-term storage device that uses spinning platters with a magnetic coating.
  3. 4. Touch the ____ to ground yourself before fixing the computer.
  4. 5. Hard drives organize data into concentric rings called ____ and pie shaped sectors.
  5. 8. A printer is an ____ device.
  6. 9. This separates your drive into one or more logical sections.
  7. 12. You can use VGA, DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort to plug in a ____.
  8. 14. What type of storage does a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray use?
  9. 15. A set of eight 1s and 0s is called a ____.
  10. 17. A PS/2 port was used to plug in a ____ before USB was invented.
  11. 19. This device is in charge of controlling hardware, executing commands, performing calculations and storing information.
  12. 20. This can be used to cool a hot computer component like the CPU.
  13. 21. Your hardware may not function properly unless you install this type of software.
  14. 23. RAM stands for ____ Access Memory.
  15. 24. LCD stands for ____ Crystal Display.
  16. 27. Modern computers have replaced the parallel IDE drives with ____ drives.