Tek ko_05.19.24 (Vol 2)

  1. 3. "amica" or "amico" in English
  2. 4. "camiseta" in English
  3. 6. string the following symbols: tellurium, potassium, bromine, uranium and cerium
  4. 9. "poker ______": flush or full house or four of a kind or straight or royal flush
  5. 10. a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner
  6. 13. first meal of the day
  7. 15. Hogwarts _____ of Witchcraft and Wizardry
  8. 18. "flea _____": street market that provides space for vendors to sell previously owned (second-hand) goods
  9. 19. "..._____ _____ there's only you in my life..." -Richie and Ross
  10. 20. a game played by teams of players on horseback using mallets
  11. 22. short underpants worn by women and girls
  12. 23. "...'Cause ______ ______ ______, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges..."
  13. 24. the date on which an event took place in a previous year
  14. 28. an affectionate touch or gesture, as a kiss, embrace
  15. 29. from Latin, literally 'small pebble' (as used on an abacus)
  16. 30. "_____ inteligences": a theory describing the different ways students learn and acquire information
  17. 32. "khemeia" meaning cast together or pour together
  18. 33. string the following symbols: calcium, nitrogen, actinium, uranium and calcium
  19. 35. "Crying in the _____" by Everly Brothers
  20. 37. equal to 12 months or 365 days
  21. 38. a type of short, form-fitting underwear and swimwear
  22. 39. first day of the week
  23. 40. "_____ sets": lists of exercises that students should find a solution to
  24. 41. "From _____ and beyond!" - Buzz Lightyear
  1. 1. the "Land of the Rising Sun"
  2. 2. "ngo gua zhu lei" in English
  3. 3. If r = 4 times (sin 90), then what is r?
  4. 5. If m = (4 times 10) - (10 + 4), then what is m?
  5. 7. "_____ Kent" alter ego of Superman
  6. 8. pocket-sized flat folding case for holding money
  7. 11. integral of 2x from zero to one
  8. 12. algebra or geometry or trigonometry or calculus
  9. 13. an institution that deals in money
  10. 14. "beso" in English
  11. 16. a Filipino-style meatloaf made of ground pork, sausage, crushed pineapples, and cheese steamed in tin cans
  12. 17. "kaluguran da ka"
  13. 21. "tanggapan" in English
  14. 25. "key _____": a set of sharp (♯), flat (♭), or rarely, natural (♮) symbols placed on the staff at the beginning of a section of music
  15. 26. "_____over": an overnight stay at another's home
  16. 27. jigsaw or Rubik's cube or crossword
  17. 30. Matthew, John, Luke and ______: The Four Evangelists
  18. 31. If j cubed is 1000, then what is j?
  19. 34. a piece of paper with questions and exercises for students
  20. 36. Japanese "ame" in English