- 2. Bahasa Inggris "jari tangan"
- 3. Alan has a round face. round artinya
- 7. Buy some snack in the school at ...
- 8. Ali work in the hospital. ali is a ...
- 11. Sakit perut in english
- 15. I eat carrots and gives meat
- 17. Bahasa Indonesia "Library"
- 18. I have long tail
- 20. I gives eggs and meat. I eat a grains.
- 1. office Ruangan guru berkumpul
- 2. Amir likes to eat, amir's body becomes ....
- 4. My teet is hurts
- 5. a place to save money
- 6. Bahasa Inggris "Batuk"
- 7. I eat grass
- 9. Cika has a fever. fever dalam bahasa indonesia
- 10. Bahasa Inggris ayam jantan
- 12. Right Bahasa Inggris belok kanan
- 13. Rambut keriting in english
- 14. Rambut wajah yang tumbuh pada daerah dagu. Bahasa Inggrisnya
- 16. Bahasa Indonesia "Shoulder"
- 19. I gives woll and meat