Television & Film Trivia

  1. 2. Main dad of the show "The Simpsons"
  2. 4. writer of many horror novels/movies
  3. 5. company behind Scooby-Doo
  4. 9. blind superhero created by marvel studios
  5. 13. rejected actor for superman
  6. 14. Batman's trusty sidekick
  7. 15. clown from IT
  8. 16. side actor in original "Star Wars" trilogy
  9. 17. Who stole christmas?
  10. 18. DC comics clown villain
  11. 19. frog puppet on sesame street
  12. 20. horror/comedy starring Michael Keaton
  1. 1. star of "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" and "Community"
  2. 3. most popular film company
  3. 6. well known marvel group
  4. 7. movie created by Jim Henson starring superstar David Bowie
  5. 8. man who played "Nacho Libre"
  6. 10. star of movies "Shrek" and "Austin Powers"
  7. 11. first Disney cartoon
  8. 12. most popular animated tv series