
  1. 1. The period of susceptibility between the weeks 3 - 8
  2. 2. an physical teratogen
  3. 3. A pharmaceutical teratogen
  4. 7. The all or nothing period of susceptibility
  5. 10. The name of the susceptibility period between 9 - 38 weeks
  6. 11. The embryo’s _______ to teratogens is also important. The nature of the agent, its ability to cross the placenta, maternal exposure, systemic absorption, composition of teratogen, the route of administration are all important when determining how a teratogen will effect the embryo
  1. 1. A chemical teratogen
  2. 4. a infective teratogen
  3. 5. An environmental agent which can alter the morphology or function of an embryo
  4. 6. a metabolic teratogen
  5. 8. As this increases so do the developmental abnormalities
  6. 9. A physical teratogen which can be found at a sporting complex