
  1. 1. Kelly and Andrew's dog.
  2. 2. Site of the couple's wedding.
  3. 6. Signature Drink for Kelly and Andrew's wedding.
  4. 7. State Andrew was born.
  5. 9. The couple's honeymoon destination.
  6. 11. Celebratory activity at a wedding.
  7. 12. Where Kelly and Andrew first met.
  8. 17. Promises made by a couple in a wedding ceremony.
  9. 19. Number of flower girls in Kelly and Andrew's ceremony.
  10. 20. Andrew's favorite book series.
  11. 24. Worn on a bride's head.
  12. 25. Place where Andrew proposed to Kelly: ___ Gardens
  1. 1. Month that Andrew proposed to Kelly.
  2. 2. Instrument played at Kelly and Andrew's wedding.
  3. 3. State Kelly was born.
  4. 4. Kelly and Andrew's cat.
  5. 5. Couple's favorite Sassafras wine.
  6. 8. The couple's wedding date is on the first day of this
  7. 10. Kelly's hobby.
  8. 13. First National Park the couple visited: ___ Lake
  9. 14. High School the couple both attended.
  10. 15. Kelly's high school extra curricular activity.
  11. 16. Andrew's favorite game series.
  12. 18. Color of flowers in Kelly's bouquet.
  13. 21. State Andrew lived in when first dating Kelly.
  14. 22. Years in a Golden Anniversary.
  15. 23. Traditional gift for a one year anniversary.