- 2. Incision into a stenosed cardiac valve to relieve the obstruction
- 4. A drug, agent or nerve that causes the narrowing of the blood vessels
- 6. Enlarged heart due to a heart condition
- 7. Relating to blood vessels
- 9. Drugs that work blocking a key enzyme in the production of cholesterol by the liver
- 10. Pertaining to the atria
- 12. Extraction of the excess of fluid from the pericardial space
- 15. A lack of enough oxygen in the body tissues
- 1. A dilation of a cardiac valve by using a ballon-tipped catheter
- 3. Heart disease
- 5. The abscence or near abscence of oxygen in the body tissues
- 8. Radiography of an artery, carried out after injection or a radio opaque substance
- 11. Listening through a stethoscope the sounds of the heart, lungs, arteries and abdomen
- 13. A blue discoloration of the skin due to low content of oxygen in blood
- 14. Puncture of a vein with the purpose to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid.