  1. 1. The abbreviation for north east usually in capitals.
  2. 2. The 4 main points of the compass.
  3. 5. This type of map shows natural features such as mountains.
  4. 8. Explains the symbols on a map.
  5. 10. A book that tells us all about maps.
  6. 11. The O⁰ Line of Latitude.
  7. 12. The abbreviation for south east usually in capitals.
  8. 13. The abbreviation for south west usually in capitals.
  9. 15. Shows direction on a map.
  10. 16. An example of this type of scale is 1:50 000.
  11. 18. Height above sea level.
  12. 19. Imaginary lines running east to west across the globe.
  1. 1. The maximum number of degrees for Lines of Latitude.
  2. 3. Another name for a physical map.
  3. 4. Imaginary lines running north to south across the globe.
  4. 6. This scale shows a large area but less detail.
  5. 7. This scale shows a smaller area but more detail.
  6. 9. The 0⁰ Line of Longitude passes through this village.
  7. 14. This type of map shows countries and borders.
  8. 17. Divides a map into smaller parts to fit on a page.