Term 2 - Democracy, Progress, and Imperialism

  1. 6. Country in the continent Oceania, the land of the Aborigine people, colonized by the British as a penal colony
  2. 9. A movement to develop and protect a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
  3. 12. Movement in England that required expansion of voting rights to all men, annual election, and secret ballot.
  4. 13. Belief that one group or race is superior to other nations, races, or groups
  5. 14. Country in the continent Oceania, the land of the Maori people, colonized by the British
  6. 15. Proclamation of _________. Order by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln to release all slaves.
  7. 16. Country dominated by England that suffered the Great Potato Famine.
  8. 18. Country colonized by the United States after defeating Spain in the Spanish-American War in 1898.
  9. 20. The _______*______ in the United States was a conflict between the North and the South areas.
  10. 21. English and American female groups demanded _________ using different activist tactics.
  11. 22. Cars, airplanes, steam-powered engines, and electricity are examples of ________ developed in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  12. 23. Country located North of the United States, formed after the union of French and British colonies
  1. 1. Bill from 1832 that expanded voting rights in England to middle-class men.
  2. 2. Belief that a country should invest in military and technologies to overpower others
  3. 3. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.
  4. 4. Type of activism, including riots, attacking properties, confronting the police, and hunger strikes
  5. 5. Synonym of franchise: the right to vote in public elections
  6. 7. The Monroe Doctrine states that the United States should protect _________ from European influence.
  7. 8. Conference where European countries agreed to divide Africa and avoid wars
  8. 10. Discriminatory laws approved in the South of the United States to exclude African Americans from society.
  9. 11. Action of one country to conquest, influence, dominate, or interfere with another.
  10. 14. During the Trail of Tears, ________*________ were removed from their lands, attacked, and had their culture damaged during the American expansion to the West.
  11. 17. Condition when one human is owned by another and, usually, forced to work in bad conditions
  12. 19. Political system in which state power is given by its citizens, usually through election.