- 3. prefix to add to the word cook
- 4. describing a character's hair, facial features, body type, and others
- 5. challenges/problems the character is experiencing
- 7. an adjective degree comparing two nouns/pronouns
- 9. superlative degree of cold
- 11. comparative degree of bright
- 16. prefix and suffix to add to the word place
- 17. where, when the story happened
- 18. superlative degree of little
- 19. group of letters with special meaning appearing at the end of the word
- 20. positive degree of laziest
- 21. an adjective that compares more than two nouns/pronouns
- 1. a root that means distance
- 2. describes how a character relates with people around him/her
- 6. prefix to add to the word arrange
- 8. adjective degree with no comparison
- 10. happily superlative degree of happily
- 12. words from other languages
- 13. suffix to add to the word kind
- 14. suffix to add to the word flex
- 15. group of letters that appears at the beginning of a word