Term 3 week 1 nn kn n (Aidan)

  1. 3. to be able to run or walk for a Large amount of time
  2. 7. to tell some one to follow the rules
  3. 9. something for the sick
  4. 11. for something that is not able to catch fire
  5. 13. to continue doing something
  6. 14. is a disease
  7. 15. to arrive at work or school
  1. 1. to be a lack of fairness or justice
  2. 2. to stand on your knees
  3. 4. to hold some one back for disobeying the law
  4. 5. to do something alone
  5. 6. to do something not meaningly
  6. 8. to not have committed a crime
  7. 10. to be annoying to someone
  8. 12. to not arrive at school or work