Terrestial Planets

  1. 4. Venus is the ____ planet.
  2. 5. Mars has______ ice caps.
  3. 7. Venus has ____ rain.
  4. 9. What covers Mercury?
  5. 11. Which planet is closest to the sun?
  6. 13. Earth moves over time and is divided into ______.
  7. 14. Earth takes 365.3 days in______.
  8. 16. Mars is similar to Earth in ____ and mass?
  9. 17. Does Mercury shrink?
  1. 1. Which planet has 2 moons?
  2. 2. Mars has ____ minerals.
  3. 3. Venus has craters and ______.
  4. 6. Mars is a red, ____ planet?
  5. 7. Mercury has barely any _______.
  6. 8. Mercury has a long iron _____.
  7. 10. Which of the 4 planets has water and a moon?
  8. 12. Which planet has highlands and plains?
  9. 15. Earth is made up of _____,CO2, and nitrogen.